Sunday, September 9, 2012

August 2012

 August 2012 was filled with very hot weather, McKenna getting sick several times, and Mommy trying to find things for an active toddler to do inside. 

During McKenna's sore throat and fever episode she became very attached to her puppet penguin.

Grocery Shopping at the Phoenix Children Museum

Making a pretend salad.

Taking a Wagon ride

Playing at the Chandler Mall

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

May 2012

Auntie Val and Uncle Kyle's wedding.  In May we went to Palm Springs to celebrate my sister's wedding.  We were so excited for her and Kyle to tie the knot! McKenna had a great time seeing Aunt Val, Uncle Kyle, Nana and Papa for several days. 

Too funny

This Spring my sister graduated from college.  During the ceremony McKenna decided to take a nap.  These pictures are too funny not to post. 

Congrats Hanna!


While attending my sister's graduation from Pepperdine this Spring, David and I visited our good friends Alec and Katie for lunch one afternoon.  Their daughter Nora is several months older than McKenna and the girls had a really good time playing together. Enjoy.

Too Cute

I came across this picture of McKenna (16 months) being silly with her Mommy's shower cap.  It was too cute not to post!